First Dental visit in Gallatin

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Your Child’s First Visit

Has your child experienced apprehension when visiting a doctor’s office? Has your child had a negative experience at the dentist in the past? We’re here to ensure a positive, fun, relaxing experience for you and your child.

At Trailhead Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. J.D. offers a customized approach that meets each child’s needs. Starting from their first checkup, we do all we can to help them form a positive perception of the dental office.


When Should My Child First Visit a Dentist?

Experts recommend that children see a dentist by the time they turn one year old. Early visits help ensure that baby teeth grow properly and allow us to note any potential issues.

Also, seeing a dentist at such an early age creates a positive experience while limiting the risk of tooth pain in the future. Establishing this foundation of proper oral care during childhood creates healthy habits that last a lifetime and minimizes the chance of your child developing dental anxiety in the future.

Why Are Baby Teeth So Important?

Although your child’s baby teeth will eventually fall out, they play a critical role in oral health. These teeth serve as placeholders for adult teeth. If a baby tooth falls out early, it can affect how the adult teeth grow into place and cause orthodontic problems or irregular growth patterns.

Just like adult teeth, baby teeth are susceptible to infection. As bacteria build up around the tooth, they can cause a cavity. Without treatment, decay can cause intense pain and premature tooth loss.

Worst of all, an untreated infection can spread to other teeth or the bloodstream, leading to severe health risks.

What is a Pediatric Dentist?

Pediatric dentists specialize in treating children and offer services that ensure proper tooth and oral development. Dr. J.D. and the Trailhead Pediatric Dentistry team treat all children, from infancy to their 18th birthday.

As your child’s first set of teeth grows in, our services focus on preventative care to protect these teeth from decay and injury. Routine cleanings and teaching your child the basics of brushing and flossing will play a crucial role during this process. We may offer other services like sealants to guard against cavities, fillings to restore teeth, and mouthguards or other appliances to address potential oral injuries and emergencies.

How Can I Keep My Infant’s Teeth/Gums Clean?

Despite not having all of their teeth, infants need oral care to remove bacteria from their gums to guard against infection. You can clean your baby’s mouth with a clean, damp washcloth. Try to do this after each feeding or at least two times per day.

As teeth begin to develop, you can start using a small infant toothbrush with tap water and a rice-grain sized smear of fluoride toothpaste twice a day.

How Safe Are Dental X-Rays?

Generally, dental x-rays are extremely safe. A long trip in an airplane causes more radiation exposure than a typical dental x-ray. Nevertheless, at TPD we utilize several additional tools and techniques to minimize your child’s exposure.

Our office also tries to minimize how often we conduct x-rays. We wholeheartedly reject a size one fits all approach and only recommend X-rays if medically necessary per the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.

Why Are X-Rays Taken?

Even if your child has a bright, straight smile, concerns may be lurking beneath their gums. Dental x-rays allow us to see below the gums and between teeth.

If this is your child’s first visit, or it has been some years since their last checkup, we may recommend taking x-rays. From here, we can spot issues like decay, infection, damage, and atypical growth patterns before they become serious problems. As your child’s adult teeth begin to form, dental x-rays also help us determine if he or she will benefit from braces or other orthodontic treatment.

Can I Come Back With My Child?

Yes! We pride ourselves in transparency and encourage parents and guardians to come back with their children for dental cleanings and exams.

Our dental team will greet you and your child and then give you a tour of our natural park-inspired office. This will give us a chance to introduce ourselves, share our findings and make the most of our time together.

Reserve Your Child’s Checkup Today

Children need a dental checkup by age 1 and every six months to keep their smile healthy. Contact our pediatric dentist today to schedule!


Your Child’s First Visit

Has your child experienced apprehension when visiting a doctor’s office? Has your child had a negative experience at the dentist in the past? We’re here to ensure a positive, fun, relaxing experience for you and your child.

At Trailhead Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. J.D. offers a customized approach that meets each child’s needs. Starting from their first checkup, we do all we can to help them form a positive perception of the dental office.


When Should My Child First Visit a Dentist?

Experts recommend that children see a dentist by the time they turn one year old. Early visits help ensure that baby teeth grow properly and allow us to note any potential issues.

Also, seeing a dentist at such an early age creates a positive experience while limiting the risk of tooth pain in the future. Establishing this foundation of proper oral care during childhood creates healthy habits that last a lifetime and minimizes the chance of your child developing dental anxiety in the future.

Why Are Baby Teeth So Important?

Although your child’s baby teeth will eventually fall out, they play a critical role in oral health. These teeth serve as placeholders for adult teeth. If a baby tooth falls out early, it can affect how the adult teeth grow into place and cause orthodontic problems or irregular growth patterns.

Just like adult teeth, baby teeth are susceptible to infection. As bacteria build up around the tooth, they can cause a cavity. Without treatment, decay can cause intense pain and premature tooth loss.

Worst of all, an untreated infection can spread to other teeth or the bloodstream, leading to severe health risks.

What is a Pediatric Dentist?

Pediatric dentists specialize in treating children and offer services that ensure proper tooth and oral development. Dr. J.D. and the Trailhead Pediatric Dentistry team treat all children, from infancy to their 18th birthday.

As your child’s first set of teeth grows in, our services focus on preventative care to protect these teeth from decay and injury. Routine cleanings and teaching your child the basics of brushing and flossing will play a crucial role during this process. We may offer other services like sealants to guard against cavities, fillings to restore teeth, and mouthguards or other appliances to address potential oral injuries and emergencies.

How Can I Keep My Infant’s Teeth/Gums Clean?

Despite not having all of their teeth, infants need oral care to remove bacteria from their gums to guard against infection. You can clean your baby’s mouth with a clean, damp washcloth. Try to do this after each feeding or at least two times per day.

As teeth begin to develop, you can start using a small infant toothbrush with tap water and a rice-grain sized smear of fluoride toothpaste twice a day.

How Safe Are Dental X-Rays?

Generally, dental x-rays are extremely safe. A long trip in an airplane causes more radiation exposure than a typical dental x-ray. Nevertheless, at TPD we utilize several additional tools and techniques to minimize your child’s exposure.

Our office also tries to minimize how often we conduct x-rays. We wholeheartedly reject a size one fits all approach and only recommend X-rays if medically necessary per the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.

Why Are X-Rays Taken?

Even if your child has a bright, straight smile, concerns may be lurking beneath their gums. Dental x-rays allow us to see below the gums and between teeth.

If this is your child’s first visit, or it has been some years since their last checkup, we may recommend taking x-rays. From here, we can spot issues like decay, infection, damage, and atypical growth patterns before they become serious problems. As your child’s adult teeth begin to form, dental x-rays also help us determine if he or she will benefit from braces or other orthodontic treatment.

Can I Come Back With My Child?

Yes! We pride ourselves in transparency and encourage parents and guardians to come back with their children for dental cleanings and exams.

Our dental team will greet you and your child and then give you a tour of our natural park-inspired office. This will give us a chance to introduce ourselves, share our findings and make the most of our time together.

Reserve Your Child’s Checkup Today

Children need a dental checkup by age 1 and every six months to keep their smile healthy. Contact our pediatric dentist today to schedule!

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